Smart Fishways webpage

Smart Fishways webpage released. This web aims to serve as a core to follow the project and to monitor the real time data collected in target fishways. Its functionality will be continuously update according to proyect evolution.

A Step to Smart Fishways paper

A step to Smart Fishways. First paper of the project, dealing with real-time hydraulic monitoring of fishways and the use of hydraulic variabilitiy to detect obstacles and improve their performance. Published under open access license in MDPI Sensors journal.

Open day at GEA research group lab

Open day. To celebrate the week of the science, an open doors day took place in the laboratory of GEA research group. During this day, the Smart Fishway project together with the technology that is being developed was presented to the general audience.

Ultrasound based water level sensor

Water level sensor. We finally developed the first monitoring node to track the hydraulic performance in fishways. It consists on an autonomous ultrasound sensor able to measure water levels and transmit data via LoRa radio. Next step is to built 30 of them.

Research night video about Smart Fishway

Smart Fishway oficial presentation at UVa. Last week of September the oficial realese of a short video presenting Smart Fishway project took place, taking advantage of the researching nigth at the University of Valladolid.

Smart Fishway logo

Smart Fishway logo. The project aims to assess the effect of hydrological variability on stepped fishways in real-time to improve their performance. We designed a flagship logo that represents the three main fields that need to work in sinergy.
